Join ParKanDo
Membership is FREE!
Why join?
ParKanDo connects you with people who truly understand the impact of Parkinson’s on your life. You will have access to a range of activities and improve your understanding of the condition, whilst forming valuable connections with others.
People with Parkinson’s, their Carers, loved ones and those wishing to support ParKanDo’s mission.
- Free entry into the Guest Speaker Program, Young & Early Onset Group and Activity Fair.
- Member discounts on some ParKanDo activities.
- Invited to complete surveys to identify preferred activities for development.
- Early notification of new activities as they are developed.
Further information: hello@parkando.org.au
Join ParKanDo
Consider Joining Fight Parkinson’s
Fight Parkinson’s (formerly Parkinson’s Victoria) is the peak health care charity which supports people living with Parkinson’s and up to 80 Peer Support Groups, like ParkanDo, that play a vital role in connecting members of our community and reducing social isolation. Fight Parkinson’s raises awareness and funds for services and research that improves the quality of life for 27,000 people living with Parkinson’s. Every day through their multi-disciplinary health team they provide information, education, advice, and peer support services to improve the life of the Parkinson’s community.
Phone 1800 644 189 and speak to the Fight Parkinson’s Membership team or visit their website on www.fightparkinsons.org.au