group of seniors from different cultures huddled together with arms around each others shoulders

Resources in other languages

The links below provide information related to Parkinson’s in languages other than English.

These links are to external sources. Always check with your health professionals if this information is applicable to you. 

Languages other than English

There are a number of organisation that provide Parkinson’s information to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) / Non English Speaking Background (NESB) communities. View the links below.

Resources in Languages other than English – Fight Parkinson’s website:

Languages include: Arabic, Chinese, Croation, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Macedonian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.

Parkinson’s UK accessible formats and other languages:

Languages include Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, Gujarati, Hindi, Mandarin, Polish, Punjabi, Scots Gaelic, Somali, Sylheti, Tamil, Turkish, Urdu and Welsh.

American Parkinson Disease Association (publications):

Languages include: Spanish and Chinese.